What’s new?

Land Management at TUM

I’m joining the chair of Land Management and the Centre of Land, Water and Environmental Risk Management at TU Munich in April 2024.

At the end of 2023, I’ll have the opportunity to work with Contour Lines. The NGO works with rural, Indigenous communities in Guatemala to transition their land use from chemical, slash-and-burn monocultures to regenerative agriculture and agroforestry while diversifying families’ income as well as nutrition opportunities.

Soil Restoration and Sustainable Development in Guatelmala

I’m back once more at the Rachel Carson Center to teach a graduate course on futuring, storytelling, and speculative fiction in the climate crisis in the summer of 2022.

Upcoming seminar at the Rachel Carson Center

I’m joining Finca Cántaros Environmental Association as a consultant and will be working on the development and implementation of a capacity-building certificate program focusing on women and conservation to increase employment opportunities for women in rural areas.

Environmental Education and Capacity Building for Women in Costa Rica

In summer 2021, I will join the Ridge to Reef Restoration initiative by Osa Conservation in Costa Rica which works to create and conserve a cross-sectoral biological corridor in the highlands of Costa Rica's south to increase the region’s resilience in the face of climate change.

Ecosystem Restoration in Costa Rica

Following my calling to actively contribute to a just, peaceful, and socio-ecologically balanced future will take me back to grad school in fall 2020. I am enrolled at the UN-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica for a Master’s degree in Political Ecology & Sustainable Development with a specialization in Sustainable Natural Resources Management.

Back to Grad School in Costa Rica!

Upcoming seminar at Uni Osnabrück

I’m invited back once more by the faculties of American Studies and Fine Arts to teach a course on Ecology, Art, and Urban Space at the University of Osnabrück in summer 2020.

Upcoming seminar at the Rachel Carson Center

Excited to teach a course on Ecology, Art and Urban Space for graduate students at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society this summer 2020.


I’m super excited to announce the launch of an ever-expanding archive of sustainable & traditional designs, materials, practices and products from around the globe. Co-founded with creative technologist Ando Shah, we aim to contribute to the making and shaping of a sustainable present and future. Your suggestions and ideas are welcome!

Teaching Assignment at Uni Osnabrück

Returning once more to Osnabrück in summer 2019 to teach a seminar titled Making Reality. Art, Storytelling, Technology and the Environment. It’s offered by the faculties of American Studies and Fine Arts at the University of Osnabrück.

Teaching Assignment: Yoga Philosophy

Coming back to Bali! Once again I’ll be teaching Yoga Philosophy at a 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training in summer 2018 and I’m excited!

Teaching Assignment at Uni Osnabrück

I’ll return to Osnabrück in summer 2018 to teach a seminar titled “Borders, walls, and margins: on crossing, building, and overcoming” offered by the faculties of American Studies and Fine Arts at the University of Osnabrück.

The publication and documentation of the yearlong project Urbanities - art and public space in Pakistan which took place over the course of 2016 is now available and will be presented in two conversations with some of the key actors of the project.

  • March 29, 2018 at Alhamra Culture Center, Lahore, as part of the discursive program of the Lahore Biennale 2018

  • April 4, 2018 at Pakistan Chowk, Karachi

New article out at Refugees Deeply

Regenerative solutions for refugee shelters: In Portugal, Environmentalists Re-Imagine Refugee Spaces, Refugees Deeply, March 2018

Teaching Assignment: Yoga Philosophy

I’ll be teaching Yoga Philosophy in November 2017 at a 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training hosted by Trimurti Yoga Bali and I’m quite excited!

We are invited to perform at the Karachi Biennale 2017

The performative installation and workshop series OVERxCOME was invited to be presented at the Karachi Biennale 2017 and we are mighty proud!

Teaching Assignment at Uni Osnabrück

I’m invited to teach a seminar at the University of Osnabrück this summer 2017, cross-listed by the faculties of American Studies and Fine Arts. The seminar is titled “Spatial Practices: art, the public, and the urban”.

OVERxCOME at the Kunstareal Fest in Munich

The workshop series and performative installation OVERxCOME, co-curated with Miro Craemer, will premier at the Kunstareal Fest in summer 2017 by invitation of the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich.