The world comes alive through stories.
With a zest for language and storytelling, I enjoy working with all things text.
As an editor, I help others to tell their stories better.
I also copy-edit, proofread, and translate across many industries in both German and English.
My own writing has been published in international magazines and anthologies, both online and print.
PUBLICATIONS (selection):
In Portugal, Environmentalists Re-Imagine Refugee Spaces
A community in Portugal is planning to build a model refugee settlement that is ecologically sustainable and more socially inclusive than most camps.
Refugees Deeply, March 2018
Morgenland Festival Osnabruck 2016: From the Balkans to the Levant
The so-called ″Morgenland Campus″, one of the new formats of this year's festival in Osnabruck, opened a week of intensive encounters between young musicians and world stars.
Qantara, October 2016
Ein Universum aus strassenstühlen (in German Only)
Über Jahre hinweg sind zwei Kairoer durch Ägyptens Hauptstadt gestreift, um Straßenstühle zu fotografieren. Entstanden ist ein einfühlsames Buchportrait einer Stadt im Umbruch.
Zenith, March 2015
Urbanities – Art and Public Space in Pakistan
The publication documents, evaluates, and advances the initial positions by international artists and designers. Additional essays reference the project and continue the conversation on art and public space in Pakistan. Available online as PDF
Co-editor with Goethe-Institut Pakistan, 2018
Refugees healing scars with yoga
The ancient mind-body practice is helping women and men escaping conflict to heal some of the emotional scars that they carry with them.
Refugees Deeply, June 2016
Sieben. acht (in German only)
The publication is both artist book and catalogue. Every unique and carefully crafted copy documents the seven preceding art projects in public space by the artist collective.
Co-editor with Institut für Glücksfindung, 2013
Trans and in love in karachi
Meet the power couple fighting for Pakistan’s LGBTQ community.
Roads&Kingdoms, August 2016
As Shelters Fill up, Germans Open Their Doors
Urban ‘ghettoization’ due to host governments housing refugees in shelters in impoverished neighborhoods has further impeded their social integration in European cities. In Germany, private initiatives are finding ways of creating an open-door culture through flat-shares.
Refugees Deeply, April 2016 / republished by Huffington Post, April 2016
The Egyptian Revolution: political participation and perseverance
Interview with Sherief Gaber who boarded a plane in January 2011 to join the uprisings that had just started in Egypt. He spoke about the ongoing revolution and his work with the independent media collective Mosireen.
Reclaiming Public Spaces,, 2013
Transgender Activism in Pakistan: the Dynamic Third Gender
In times of increasing radicalisation, minorities and those who occupy society's niches and in-between realms can become prime targets, as the attack last weekend on a gay nightclub in Florida so painfully demonstrated. Recently, however, on the other side of the globe in South Asia, there have also been some astounding breakthroughs.
Qantara, June 2016
The dimly lit marvels of Cairo’s Agricultural Museum
Initially meant to record natural history from the pharaohs to modern times and provide information about literally everything agricultural in Egypt, the museum has become a favorite of sorts among people with a taste for the quirky sides of life.
Mada Masr, May 2014
on quiet afternoons and busy times
A portrait of the cultural center DARB 1718 in Cairo, Egypt
Contemporary Practices, Volume IX, 2012
”Managed Retreat or Forced Displacement? Conservation and Conflict in the Sundarbans.” DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32112.02564
Research Proposal: “India’s Sustainable Development Plan. The return to traditional clay cups (Bhar) at India’s railway stations.” DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17851.39200
“Waiting for Spring: On Longing, Arts, and Global Storytelling after Postmodernism. The Cairo Showcase” in Global Visioning: Hopes and Challenges for a Common Future, Olivier Urbain et al. (eds.)
“Of Win and Loss. Kiran Desai's Global Storytelling“ in Global Reception of Postliberalization Indian Novels in English. Aysha Viswamohan (ed.)
“Mapping Bombay/Mumbai” in Die Zukunft der Kartographie. Neue und nicht so neue epistemologische Krisen, Marion Picker et al. (eds.)
“How Space becomes Public“ in Shaware3na. Art in public space in Cairo and Giza, Mahatat for contemporary art Cairo (eds.)