Co-founder | creative director & researcher
2019, ongoing
The project
A digital, ever-expanding archive for sustainable & traditional designs, materials, practices and products from around the globe.
While living, working and traveling around the world, we often come across delightfully simple sustainable and traditional designs and practices, or ingenious ways to re-use, re-cycle or up-cycle objects, products and materials, because that’s just how things were before plastic came along.
We set out to document alternatives to single-use plastics. These traditional, and sometimes also modern and high-tech sustainable solutions are often just a knack away from the worn-out paths of today’s consumer society. With this ever growing archive we hope to inspire individuals and the consumption industry to re-think existing solutions towards more sustainable and often well-tried and time-tested ones.
My responsibilities
As co-founder, creative director and research, I research and document sustainable & traditional single-use plastic alternatives and compile and produce content for the archive.